Future Patching Made Easy

Future Patching, got no clue how to call it otherwise, is in my opinion creating a crack/keygen that will patch future versions of the software without having to reverse it again. First time I saw this was on the awarenetwork website. They created a rather interesting crack for winrar. Since then I was intrigued by the concept, it’s just a lot of work imo to keep finding patterns manually and coding them, until I decided to give immunity debugger another go. For some librecognition will be nothing new and they already know the commands by heart, others will be pleased to see something being made easy.

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Truecrypt, a variety of bruteforcing options

A lot of people ask the question: How can I recover my truecrypt password? Others ask the question: How can I crack a truecrypt container? So out of curiousity I went on a little investigation to know what the current tools are to bruteforce a truecrypt container. So here is a small compilation of the methods I’ve found to bruteforce a truecrypt container.

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